On this screen you can pick a point on the map to do a new survey and you can also see and view previous survey results once you have done some. Initially you need to send out your army of survey drones to do an aerial survey. There will be a time delay between ordering a new survey and the results being available since these type of activities really take time. The timing aspects of the game have not yet been decided but in today's fast paced world I expect only a few minutes will be tolerated to get the game moving along.
Note that the secretary feature will let you know when survey results are ready and provide a direct click link to immediately view them but more on that feature later.
When the survey is ready and you can view the results on the Aerial Survey Results Screen.
I like the idea of using a real world map to potentially help educate players on country locations around the world. Exploration will be like at the start of the real world, almost complete guess work. However, to aid the educational aspect of the game I intend to make some areas more like the real world so, for example, there is potential to create a gold rush in California USA. Once an area on our map is surveyed by a company it will not be possible for anyone else to survey the same spot for a period of time. Previously surveyed areas will be greyed out or somehow indicated when viewed on the map to save you time from selecting restricted areas. The idea being that permission must be sought from land owners and or governments to perform a survey and have automatic mining rights for successful finds but only for a limited time to allow you time to conduct your research. Once a mineral is discovered by a company no one else will be able to mine the same resource.
Since all companies are deemed public any succesful finds are published in the news section. This may give other company's in MYOB a clue to a mineral rich area but this is no means guaranteed.
Any comment welcome at s.rush@espsoftware.co.uk